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بررسی ضدهرزنگاری. این قسمت را پر
local p = {} -- _fetch looks at the "demo" argument. local _fetch = require('Module:Transclusion_count').fetch local yesno = require('Module:Yesno') function p.num(frame, count) if count == nil then if yesno(frame.args['fetch']) == false then if (frame.args[1] or '') ~= '' then count = tonumber(frame.args[1]) end else count = _fetch(frame) end end -- Build output string local return_value = "" if count == nil then if frame.args[1] == "risk" then return_value = "a very large number of" else return_value = "many" end else -- Use 2 significant figures for smaller numbers and 3 for larger ones local sigfig = 2 if count >= 100000 then sigfig = 3 end -- Prepare to round to appropriate number of sigfigs local f = math.floor(math.log10(count)) - sigfig + 1 -- Round and insert "approximately" or "+" when appropriate if (frame.args[2] == "yes") or (mw.ustring.sub(frame.args[1],-1) == "+") then -- Round down return_value = string.format("%s+", mw.getContentLanguage():formatNum(math.floor( (count / 10^(f)) ) * (10^(f))) ) else -- Round to nearest return_value = string.format("approximately %s", mw.getContentLanguage():formatNum(math.floor( (count / 10^(f)) + 0.5) * (10^(f))) ) end -- Insert percentage of pages if that is likely to be >= 1% and when |no-percent= not set to yes if count and count > 250000 and not yesno (frame:getParent().args['no-percent']) then local percent = math.floor( ( (count/frame:callParserFunction('NUMBEROFPAGES', 'R') ) * 100) + 0.5) if percent >= 1 then return_value = string.format("%s pages, or roughly %s%% of all", return_value, percent) end end end return return_value end -- Actions if there is a large (greater than or equal to 100,000) transclusion count function p.risk(frame) local return_value = "" if frame.args[1] == "risk" then return_value = "risk" else local count = _fetch(frame) if count and count >= 100000 then return_value = "risk" end end return return_value end function p.text(frame, count) -- Only show the information about how this template gets updated if someone -- is actually editing the page and maybe trying to update the count. local bot_text = (frame:preprocess("{{REVISIONID}}") == "") and "\n\n----\n'''Preview message''': Transclusion count updated automatically ([[Template:High-use/doc#Technical details|see documentation]])." or '' if count == nil then if yesno(frame.args['fetch']) == false then if (frame.args[1] or '') ~= '' then count = tonumber(frame.args[1]) end else count = _fetch(frame) end end local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle() if title.subpageText == "doc" or title.subpageText == "sandbox" then title = title.basePageTitle end local systemMessages = frame.args['system'] if frame.args['system'] == '' then systemMessages = nil end -- This retrieves the project URL automatically to simplify localiation. local templateCount = ('on [https://linkcount.toolforge.org/index.php?project=%s&page=%s %s pages]'):format( mw.title.getCurrentTitle():fullUrl():gsub('//(.-)/.*', '%1'), mw.uri.encode(title.fullText), p.num(frame, count)) local used_on_text = "'''This " .. (mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace == 828 and "Lua module" or "template") .. ' is used '; if systemMessages then used_on_text = used_on_text .. systemMessages .. ((count and count > 2000) and (",''' and " .. templateCount) or ("'''")) else used_on_text = used_on_text .. templateCount .. "'''" end local sandbox_text = ("%s's [[%s/sandbox|/sandbox]] or [[%s/testcases|/testcases]] subpages, or in your own [[%s]]. "):format( (mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace == 828 and "module" or "template"), title.fullText, title.fullText, mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace == 828 and "Module:Sandbox|module sandbox" or "Wikipedia:User pages#SUB|user subpage" ) local infoArg = frame.args["info"] ~= "" and frame.args["info"] if (systemMessages or frame.args[1] == "risk" or (count and count >= 100000) ) then local info = systemMessages and '.<br/>Changes to it can cause immediate changes to the Wikipedia user interface.' or '.' if infoArg then info = info .. "<br />" .. infoArg end sandbox_text = info .. '<br /> To avoid major disruption' .. (count and count >= 100000 and ' and server load' or '') .. ', any changes should be tested in the ' .. sandbox_text .. 'The tested changes can be added to this page in a single edit. ' else sandbox_text = (infoArg and ('.<br />' .. infoArg .. ' C') or ' and c') .. 'hanges may be widely noticed. Test changes in the ' .. sandbox_text end local discussion_text = systemMessages and 'Please discuss changes ' or 'Consider discussing changes ' if frame.args["2"] and frame.args["2"] ~= "" and frame.args["2"] ~= "yes" then discussion_text = string.format("%sat [[%s]]", discussion_text, frame.args["2"]) else discussion_text = string.format("%son the [[%s|talk page]]", discussion_text, title.talkPageTitle.fullText ) end return used_on_text .. sandbox_text .. discussion_text .. " before implementing them." .. bot_text end function p.main(frame) local count = nil if yesno(frame.args['fetch']) == false then if (frame.args[1] or '') ~= '' then count = tonumber(frame.args[1]) end else count = _fetch(frame) end local image = "[[File:Ambox warning yellow.svg|40px|alt=Warning|link=]]" local type_param = "style" local epilogue = '' if frame.args['system'] and frame.args['system'] ~= '' then image = "[[File:Ambox important.svg|40px|alt=Warning|link=]]" type_param = "content" local nocat = frame:getParent().args['nocat'] or frame.args['nocat'] local categorise = (nocat == '' or not yesno(nocat)) if categorise then epilogue = frame:preprocess('{{Sandbox other||{{#switch:{{#invoke:Effective protection level|{{#switch:{{NAMESPACE}}|File=upload|#default=edit}}|{{FULLPAGENAME}}}}|sysop|templateeditor|interfaceadmin=|#default=[[Category:Pages used in system messages needing protection]]}}}}') end elseif (frame.args[1] == "risk" or (count and count >= 100000)) then image = "[[File:Ambox warning orange.svg|40px|alt=Warning|link=]]" type_param = "content" end if frame.args["form"] == "editnotice" then return frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'editnotice', args = { ["image"] = image, ["text"] = p.text(frame, count), ["expiry"] = (frame.args["expiry"] or "") } } .. epilogue else return require('Module:Message box').main('ombox', { type = type_param, image = image, text = p.text(frame, count), expiry = (frame.args["expiry"] or "") }) .. epilogue end end return p
لطفاً توجه داشته باشید که همهٔ مشارکتها در ویکی حج منتشرشده تحت Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike در نظر گرفتهمیشوند (برای جزئیات بیشتر
ویکی حج:حق تکثیر
را ببینید). اگر نمیخواهید نوشتههایتان بیرحمانه ویرایش و توزیع شوند؛ بنابراین، آنها را اینجا ارائه نکنید.
شما همچنین به ما تعهد میکنید که خودتان این را نوشتهاید یا آن را از یک منبع با مالکیت عمومی یا مشابه آزاد آن برداشتهاید (برای جزئیات بیشتر
ویکی حج:حق تکثیر
را ببینید).
کارهای دارای حق تکثیر را بدون اجازه ارائه نکنید!
راهنمای ویرایش
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